本事 Synopsis

黑貓大旅社 故事大綱

導演 / 徐麗雯

繁華都市的邊陲,陳舊簡陋的黑貓大旅社裡住著數名房客, 看似無關彼此,卻因旅社,有了交集與呼應。
當年紅極一時的舞小姐黑貓,因故頂下旅社,吃喝拉撒睡全在櫃台裡,似乎離開櫃台就不能活。她任由自己暴飲暴食,驚人的食物日日下肚,卻仍舊是個皮包骨 。
越南移工阿南每天辛勤工作一心想回鄉蓋房子,與家人生活在一起。異地的苦楚,在攬鏡自照的時分才能稍稍舒坦。 阿南總是偷偷穿上黑貓早年的旗袍,外出買菜。

遠從日本來台工作的淺野先生 ,失業卻向家人隱瞞實情,仍日日西裝筆挺地假裝上班
兔玩偶不離身的方喬喬總是穿著制服出門 ,窩在cosplay店的小櫥窗裡而不去上學。被霸凌的記憶始終縈繞著她,只能對著兔子說話……
阿南不明白這些房客為何寧願待在這個簡陋的旅社裡生活卻不回家。因為,對她而言,家是歸屬,是最終的目的地。 有天,卻從家鄉傳來丈夫外遇的消息……

黑貓大旅社遭人投訴進行色情交易 ,警方勒令旅社停業,房客將限期搬離……

淺野先生遭警方遣返日本,祕密也即將被戳破;劉六已是高中生的女兒囡囡多年後再出現,竟要劉六陪她去墮胎? 母親不在了,獨留下來的空仔又該如何?
黑貓蹣跚爬上窄小的樓梯,想要在歇業之前看看這間旅社 。


Mang is the owner of The Hotel Black Cat. Once the most popular dancer in a hostess bar, now confines herself behind the hotel counter and never steps out.
The immigrant worker, A-Nan, hopes to help her family build a house in her homeland, but here comes the bad news that her husband is having an affair.
Danny was a scapegoat and went to jail for Mang. After being released, Danny keeps Mang company as if he never left.
Asano is Japanese, he left Japan to work in Taiwan. He lost his job, but pretends to go to work every day.
Liu Six, was accused of having sexually abuse his six-year-old daughter, now he does not allow anyone to enter his hotel room, not even room service personnel.
Fang Chau-Chau wears her school uniform all day long but not attending school, only keeps talking to the bunny doll.
The prostitute, Yeh Ling- Long, orders her retarded son, Kang, to hide behind the shower curtain so she could run her business. However, she discerns that she suffers from AIDS. What shall Kang do without his loving mom? 

The police forces the Hotel Black Cat to shut down. All guests must check out and leave. How does Mr. Asano face his family in Japan after he has been lying to them for so long? Liu Six’s daughter, now a senior high school student, comes to him for help. She asks him to take her to an abortion clinic…

It’s not necessary to lock each room anymore. Keep the door open, you’ll find out traces imprinted with figures as well as times. 

Director Statement

住在黑貓大旅社的人們,他們的過去,遠遠重於現在,在現實的時空裡, 他們只是行走呼吸,真正能讓他們擁有情緒的,都是過去的回憶。
不活在當下的人,算是真的存在嗎?如果真正的我並不存在,那麼,這棟住著八個長期房客的旅社,只是一 個意義上的「空屋」;
面具之下,縱使有著好深好深的孤獨,卻 還是只能謹守安全距離,

Hotel Blackcat is a huge container. Each room is just like an individaul drawer.
Open each one, the memories of the past arise from all directions…

The guests who stay in the hotel are lingering in their past. In reality, they live like living corpses. What makes them alive is to live in the bygone days.
Do those who don't pursue and embrace their present really exist? If the self-ego was gone, the hotel where the eight guests stay in the long term would be described as an ''empty house''.
However, it's rather strange. Only keeping the style of emptiness will everyone go on his journey.
There is a ''mask'' between you and me. Interacting with others, we'll put it on and behave well.
Taking it off, the true self-ego shows up with deep loneliness and we prefer keeping our souls isolated.
The process of healing ourselves without disturbing each other is moving on in the period as well as in the isolated stay. In the shelter for homeless souls, no one will get hurt.

